What The Industry is Saying

“…I’ve got so much respect for a band like the Gasoline Gypsies, doing things their own way, indie and currently unsigned…great things are ahead for them in 2020! I am looking very forward to seeing this band live, I think that will be one amazing show…it’s gonna Rock, for sure!”

“…the Gasoline Gypsies delivered two sets of rousing, inspiring, harmony-filled music that not only showed off the band’s audience-pleasing stage demeanor but its impressive roots-rock songcraft.

Fans who drove from the east side of the state to experience this inaugural (all-acoustic) musical adventure joined West Michiganders for what certainly ranks as one of Listening Room’s most memorable concerts since the 200-capacity venue opened at Studio Park in late October …”

“These Guys are so awesome to work with, they totally GET it…”

“Walking Trouble” is such an amazing track! It really has a great groove, and it’ll sound awesome on the radio!! You guys are totally on point with what is happening in Rock Music right now…”

“When I’m asked questions like who’s the next big thing – my answer is usually influenced by how driven I see a certain artist – artists who are constantly working on whatever it is – touring, writing, recording, and performing locally, but then, of course, they’ve also gotta bring it – and both the Native Howl and Gasoline Gypsies bring it …they’ve got styles that have major cross-generational appeal….” (Regarding dual CD Release Show for Gypsies and Howl, June 2018)

“‘Freaks and Non-Believers’ delivers with great guitars and southern style vocals that make it a memorable and rocking tune that sticks with you. It’s  like a fresh take on the vintage sound that is at the core of rock and roll…”

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